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  • Image sur Chips d'Ananas 60g

Chips d'Ananas 60g

1 000 FCFA

Crispy dehydrated pineapple Chips  60g


Serving Size: 30g

Servings Per Container: 2

Amount Per Serving:

Calories: 122

Total Fat: 0g

Référence: NGO202312011

Un prépaiement peut être exigé
En savoir plus...

Introducing our delectable Pineapple Chips! Bursting with tropical flavor, these crispy and irresistible chips are the perfect snack for those seeking a delightful twist on traditional chips. Each slice of pineapple is carefully selected and expertly dehydrated to preserve its natural sweetness and vibrant taste. With their tantalizing balance of tangy and sweet notes, these chips provide a satisfying crunch that will leave your taste buds craving more. Enjoy them on their own for a guilt-free treat, or pair them with your favorite dips and salsas for an exciting flavor combination. Whether you're looking for a healthy snack or a unique addition to your party platter, our Pineapple Chips are sure to impress. Indulge in the tropical goodness and experience a truly refreshing snack sensation!

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